Black Day Of Nepali People 2015 Earthquake

Hello Friends !! Welcome to my blog !!
Today I am going to tell about the topic which most people know i.e The Black Day of Nepali people (Earthquake of 2015 April)

First what Is earthqake and What is the reasonit suddenly occurs ?I think in this century about whole steemit knows about it and I think if i describe it you gonna blast with negative comments so I will directly go into my contest which probably most of the people doesn't know about Earthquake of Nepal.
Earthquake 2015 of Nepal :
{ Its about 11;55 in Nepal and everything in Nepal is ok! Then when the Clock tick to #11:56 The whole country Nepal started to shaking for about 55seconds ( The shaking was so devasting that about 9000 people were killed and million were injured and homeless) this is my defination for the earthquake that occur in Nepal in 2015 April. }

I think this 55 seconds is one of the black second for whole Nepali people who lost their family and their relatives. This 55 seconds takes many dreams of people away from them. Lots of life become#homeless,#motherless,#fatherless and whole #familyless(These words doesn't have meaning buts my feelings).
Detail of Earthquake
It was occur from the village of Gorkha , Barpak. It's magnitube is above 7.5 and its epicentre is just 15 km from the surface of the earth so its made shaking more terrific then usualls .About whole world heard about this shaking and whole world cry when they saw the dead life of Nepali people. It is the one of the biggest earthquake in the history of Nepal after 90 years , its means that this was the most terrific situtation for all the new generation of the people.
Many historic place, buildings , and many public properties were destroyed due to this earthquake .
This earthquake is not just a earthquake it is the killer of many life of Nepali people. About 9000 were killed, millons get injured and homeless . They don't get any thing in such worse condition . But in that situation whole Nepalease become together and started helping each others without any jealeous .They fight very bravely with that situation. We know nobody know when the earthquake can come and it can takes our life but such shows that we much me together in such conditions helping each others .

Thanks friends for reading and enjoying my blog . I think the things I had written today can be short for this earthquake it davast cannot be describe in such paragraph but its all my feeling and thinking only if you need some more information about earthquake and its statistical analysis you can google it.

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