What are the succesful Tips to earn online Money:

Making money online is what we have surely thought of somewhere in our life. Searching Youtube video, googling and asking friends, it's really frustrating. Where we end up is on a bunch of PTC sites, faucets, micro works and captcha solving sites. After a trial for a couple of weeks you will know, they are useless and you can do nothing from it.
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If you have some skills then Congratulation! You can try freelancing but you need to be in that game for a long time until you start to be noticed by someone and you get paid. You can try youtubing and be making a website or blog but the competition is too high and to make your place is incredibly hard.
So is it impossible?
Absolutely not! But you will need to change your technique. You need to know some key things. We will list you some ;
  • Be patience
    Most of the PTC sites are a scam and are designed to take your time and money but there are some real PTC sites too. You can find many of the real PTC sites. You won't get much from PTC sites but there is a way to earn from PTC sites too. That is your patience and free time. If you are free you can join almost 50 PTC site and click ads for 2 - 3 hours a day. From 50 PTC sites after 5 to 6 months you will certainly make $20 to $70 per day. But you need effort and patience.
  • Learn some skills
    No one wants to give money for free unless you are homeless. People will pay for your skill. Photoshop, video editing, programming, writing, MS office, data entry and script writing are some skills you might want to learn to be a successful freelancer.
  • Advertise
    If you are a website owner or a Youtuber, never ever leave a room for advertisement. You can advertise on Facebook and Youtube. You need some initial topics. Do some giveaways, if you don't have enough money to good reward then try giving phone balance of Rs 100 to 5 people who share your content and get the highest vote. While the contest is going on do the best from your side to attract as many people you can. You can gain some attention!
  • Link your social media
    We know every one of us don't use all social media. If you are a website owner then post your website on all social media. It is possible people will miss you facebook post but see your tweet. If you are a Youtuber you can advertise on Youtube.

Worst Decision Of Nepali Peoples: Going Abroad::

If we ask students from high school, what is your goal? More than half will say "I want to go abroad." Everyone thinks they need to go abroad, colleges and schools teach us to go abroad. Teachers, parents and society will inspire us by saying, "if you study hard you can get a good job abroad."

Girls family will be desperate to marry her girl with a boy who is abroad.

My biggest question is why?

For an aimless person whose aim is just to live another mediocre life, it is good to go abroad and work for others. But Nepal is a country where you have the enormous and enormous opportunity. There are very fewer facilities in Nepal compared to abroad. You can pick up any field and there is no to very less competition.

You don't need your own super creative and super smart invention to succeed in Nepal. Your unique idea is always good but you can bring services which are already present in abroad to get super success in Nepal.

For your ease, we have listed some of the opportunities for you.

Online store

Yes, the competition is still low because it is still not mainstream. The delivery is super slow except for Kathmandu valley. There is no option for affiliate marketing and the price can also be reduced. You can make your own, buy some second-hand vehicle and start your own online store.


There is tootle which works as uber for the motorcycle but the company is still in its initial phase and can be disrupted easily. You can create it for cars also.

Restaurants in mountains
It's your idea, you want to make a hanging restaurant or restaurant where robots serve (like KKFC) or simple a restaurant in a peaceful place. You can open a restaurant on top of a hill, roofless or any new idea.


There is a lot of parking problem in the city area. Abroad there is a lot of multistorey parking facility. You can take some land in the lease and build your own.

Most of the times a party disturbs the whole

surrounding. You can open a party hall from where no sound goes outside. You will be a first of the kind in the country.

The possibilities are endless. You can choose your field, you can find where you can get the most from. You can do, don't care about others, you don't need confirmation from anyone, you just need to work hard and live the dream life you have thought of. Remember no one has ever become great by doing a 9 to 5 job. All great people are those ordinary people who said, " This is enough, I am not going to work for him, I can do it!" And they were brave enough to start. It's good if you failed for the first time or even consecutively for 20 or even 100 times but you will succeed one day. Failure will teach you some lesson and all those small lessons will sum up to make you super experienced and you will finally succeed.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Via::: https://steemit.com/nepal/@teamnepal/this-is-the-worse-decision-a-nepali-can-make

Visit Nepal 2018

Nepal being a country of amazing natural beauty and cultural heritages has a huge potential for tourism business. Despite the challenging physical landscapes and diversification, Nepal is growing gradually in the field of tourism business. Nepal recently did “Nepal Tourism Year 2011” as a destiny of thousands of tourists from different countries in the world. Though Nepal was unsuccessful to achieve the target of one million tourists from all over the world, it had a lot of positive and negative impacts in the economy of the nation. Nepal is preparing itself for the “Visit Nepal 2018” and proper planning is necessary to achieve what is targeted from the event. Proper management of infrastructures of tourism, well developed structures of the country and management of tourists’ security are some of the steps that should be taken by the government for the success of the Visit Nepal 2018. Possibilities of Tourism in Nepal. As Nepal is rich in natural attractiveness and religious as well as cultural dissimilarity, tourism can be flourished well here. Thousands of tourists from different nation visit Nepal every year due to its acceptance of one of the best travel destinations in the world in the present time. Nepal does not only hold the natural beauty and diversification, it also holds potential for various adventurous sports and activities such as paragliding, rock climbing, mountaineering, etc. which gives extra benefit for the country to attract more number of tourists in the country. Religious and cultural places, unique and antique stuffs and various cultural combinations can attract travelers and researchers to come and visit the country.
Image result for tourism place in nepal Challenges for Tourism Even though Nepal has great prospective of development of tourism, it has to face some serious problems and challenges to achieve the goal of the event in 2018. Due to the natural landscapes of Nepal, developmental works such as highways, electricity and many other are not done properly in every areas of the country. This can bring decrement in the number of tourists. Untimely strikes and blockades can cause a serious problem in operating tourism business as well other structures of tourism. Natural disasters for instance earthquake, landslides, floods, etc are the natural causes to challenge tourism business in Nepal. Political instability and economic fluctuation can hamper in the tourism as it creates barrier for it to operate it in a proper way. Tourists will to stay safe while travelling and lack of security of tourists can cause a huge problem in the flow of tourists in Nepal. Steps to face the Challenges Despite of the challenges, we can work together to face those problems and overcome them to achieve the target of the Visit Nepal 2018. Developmental works must be done despite the fact that Nepal has difficult land structures. Rather than stopping in the position, Nepal government must start continuing developmental works using new and advanced technology and reach each and every nooks and corners of the country with highways, electricity, communication and many more. Reason to slow down the tourism business such as blockades, strikes and other demonstrational activities must be minimized by the government for the smooth operation of tourism in the country. Tourists are often hampered by the natural calamities too. So, safe zones must be created for the tourists who will allow them to travel without the fear of being in danger. Political situation lie this should be discuss and make it stable which will only encourage the government to invest more and make tourism sustainable business. Theft and many more serious cases can make tourists feel uneasy to travel in Nepal. So, these conditions must be stopped and make a very hospitable environment so that all the tourists from all over the world can travel and enjoy their time in Nepal. Good hotels with lots of facilities must be maintained not only in the city areas also in the rural areas with lots of attractions for the tourists. Steps for a Successful Tourism Year 2018 As Nepal is celebrating World Tourism Year 2018 as Visit Nepal Year, A lot of things are to be done for the achievement of goals targeted for the event. Government solely cannot make it possible and hence each and every force of the nation is to united to make it happen and make the year a historic year for the economic as well as social and cultural point of view.56a596f3e38af62666702e72d85739ae.jpg Government must first plan very optimistically and very strongly for the goals and objectives of the Tourism Year and organize it to various departments for the operation of the event throughout the year. Every nook and corner of the nation must be reached with facilities and amenities to ensure the long stay of tourists as much as possible. The Tourism year and its main attractions must be promoted all over the world to make travellers excited to come and explore the natural beauties of ous.

Nepal one of the best place to visit : Kulekhaani


Kulekhani is one of the beautiful place that Nepal has but the poularity is not as other famous places . This is the lake which is made by the people for the kulekhani hydropower project . The lake is so beautiful which can be clear through our photo . Their is good facilities of boating fishing. And lots more . If you want any near places for visit from kathmandu then it is one of the best place to visit .
Markhu  one of the place which comes if we go for visit in kulekhani such a beautiful village and nowadays its getting more popular due the the suspension bridge of the village above kulekhani one of my best place
kulekhani 4.jpg
Rhododendron - Our national flowers

Role of Nepal in world war I and world war II

Role of Nepal in the First World War::::

Chandra shumsher was the prime Ministewr of Nepal during the First World war. Nepal was an ally of Britain inthis war. Nepal sept 7500 Nepalase troops under the command of Barbar Shumsher on behalf of British Government. Later on, other soldiers were also sent by chandra Shumsher, under the command of Gen. Panma Shumsher, Tej shumsher and Keshar Shumsher. New recruitment also contined as war spread day by day. At the same time, Nepal provided one million pound to the Britishas a support in war.
Nepalese froce exhibited extra-ordinary bravery in this war. So, the enemy so prasied the bravery of the Nepalese soldiers. Many Nepalese soldiers were awarded the most reputed Victories Cross by British government and also provided one million rupees annually to Nepal as a mark of gratitude.
Role of Nepal in the Second World War
During the Secod world war Juddha shumsher was the Prime-Minister of Nepal. He declared to increase one thousand soliers in each regiment in the Britist force. Besides this, he sent eight thousand troopsw in India on the command of Bahadur shumsher. During the time of war, about one lakh Nepalese were recruited by British in India. Altogether 250,000 Nepalese soldiers participated in this war o0n behalf of British government .Among them 7,544 were killed or disappeared and 23,655 were injured and many of them become dicabled. The Neplese troops fought bravely and eared the reputation of 'Brave Gorkhali'. They fought in Myanmar, Egypt, Sudan, Ethopia, Italy , Syria , Iran ,Iraq, Siungapore, Malaysia and so on . Some of the Nepalese were awarded the supreme medal of Britain"vitoria Cross" and "Military Cross". Juddha shumsher was awareded the full honorary Generalof british army for the Nepalese Help to British in this war . The British in this war. The Britain government paid 33.3 million rupees to Nepal as a mark of gratitude and also promished for the payment of one million rupees every to Nepal. Those soldiers who Participated in this war could get opportunity to see the development in the world and help to end the Rana rule in Nepal.

The way Foods are killing people in Nepal:

When it comes to food we don't have a habit of asking is it healthy enough or not. The best food of Nepal is momo and chowmein which are both less quality food and effect health of body and mind.
We donot consider eating healthy food, never, which is one of our biggest mistake in our young age. Not only some stomach problems, foods like that makes our brain function less. Famous and successful person cares a lot lot more about their food, more than you think.
Food is the input we provide to our body. What the input is will be the output. Foods containing high sugar, spice and fats are considered bad food. There are a lot more quality food which costs less and deliver more.
Here are some bad foods;
  • Momo
  • Chowmein
  • Sausages
  • Drumsticks
  • All those things like pakauda, samosha etc
Here are some good food
  • Bread and egg(any form)
  • Fish
  • Fruit juice
  • Pulses with less oil
We can only warn you not to eat or try to control those foods if you want to be successful in your life. Trust us, quality food gives you a lot more satisfaction than those food. The day when you will realise momo or pizza is not the best food out there, you are successful!

Top Facts to enjoy your days.

Hello Friends ! Welcome to my blog . Today I am going to tell about top 10 fun Facts which you had never heard before . Lets start
  1. Human saliva has boiling point three times greater than the water ...its heard ohh!!! Buts thats true
  2. Heart attact are likely to occur on Monday so be healthy on Monday .. Haha (brrrr)
  3. If you fart about 7 years then the gas you produce is enough to make atom bomb .... Friends start to conserve it (haha)
  4. In 2015 more peoples were killed while taking selfie than shark attach quite nasty))))
  5. "Facebook Addiction Disorder" is the mental disorder which is true from various researchs
  6. If you lift kangaroo tail then it can't jump try it now ..
  7. Interesting ...... When hippo are upset their sweat becomes red
  8. It is impossible to sneeze keeping your eye open
  9. No piece of square paper can fold more than 7 or 8 times in half.
  10. Do you know Roman use urine to whiten your teeth haha....

    thanks enjoying my post

National Examination Board Published The Full Results of Class 12 (2075)

National Examinations Board (NEB) has published results of Grade 12 for all faculties in both regular and partial side. Total 2,99,675 examinees appeared in the examinations under the regular category, 41,375 have passed. Similarly, 32.5 percent have made through from the exempted category. This is the first time the result being published upon grading system.

Out of 299,675 students appeared in the examinations under regular category, 1,169 students obtained 3.61 - 4 GPA while 11,221 students scored 3.21-3.60 GPA, 27,643 students got 2.81- 3.20 GPA. Similarly, 58,345 students received 2.41 - 2.80 GPA, 90,299 students scored 2.1 - 2.40 GPA, 66,438 students obtained 1.61 - 2 GPA, 22,734 got 1.21 -1.60 GPA, 4487 students scored 0.81 - 1.20 GPA and 999 students obtained 0.00 to 0.87 GPA.

Likewise, out of 117,414 students taken part the examinations under partial category41,325 students have passed the examinations, as per NEB.
This is the first time results of all faculties has been published at a same time. Earlier, results of science faculties were published first followed by other faculties.Grade 12 examination was held from Baisakh 14, 2075 (April 27, 2018) to Baishakh 29, 2075 (May 12, 2018). A total of 415,252 students, 208,276 male students and 206,975 female students from 3,912 schools across the country appeared for the exams.

You Can See The Result By Click Here.

Nepal vs Netherland .. Games Details


Today Nepali cricket played a Historical Day i,e first ever odi . This is the first odi games Nepal had ever played and it completes in tragic way i.e Nepal lost the game against Netherland. In today's game i.e Nepal vs Nth , we had seen both good and bad aspects . First we are going with our good aspects.

Good Aspects,

The one of the great good aspect from today game is that the Nepali cricket team get oppoetunities to play their first odi in the history of Nepal. Those experience are si much valuable and they are going to be useful in upcoming games . In this day , Ganendra Mallla had made first , odi fifty in the history of Nepal from Nepali player. The bowling line up also showed impressive aspects , Parash Khadka and all other bowled very well and restricted Netherland in 189 . Today the opening of our team was quiet good and made valuable 50 + patnership. These are the some good aspects we can take postitively.

Bad Aspects,

As usually like in past , this time too the Nepali cricket batting line up failed to chase the total of 189 in 50 overs . Even we get good opening partnership, but the middle over doesn't able to take the momentum upto winning moment ,which made cry for all Nepalese fan . In extra inning we thought that Nepal will made historical day in historic way but it can't . We lost in such lower total . Our team must focus on our line up and made more stronger for upcoming matches. Hope for best and best of luck for next game .

                         Scorecard details:

Netherlands won by 55 runs

             Other details : http://www.espncricinfo.com/series/18763/scorecard/1151834/netherlands-vs-nepal-1st-odi-nepal-in-nl-2018
